WEBIER 31/12/2010 14:00:55
eu uso um class modulo para fazer aquele serviço de autocompletar de combobox... ou seja, quando eu coloco as iniciais de um nome que contenha na lista do mesmo combo, ele completa, sendo assim dispensa eu ter que digitar o nome completo.

Usava DAO 3.51 e rodava bem, só foi eu colocar para 3.60 que dar erro...

No form eu uso assim:
[ô]no general_declaration
Private moCombo As cComboHelper

[ô]no form_load
Set moCombo = New cComboHelper

[ô]no form_unload
Set moCombo = Nothing

[ô]no gotfocusdo combo eu coloco assim:
moCombo.AttachTo cboCliente

[ô]esse aqui é o class modulo:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents moCombo As ComboBox

Private Declare Function SendMessageByString Lib [Ô]user32[Ô] Alias _
[Ô]SendMessageA[Ô] (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As String) As Long

Private Const CB_SETCURSEL = &H14E
Private Const CB_FINDSTRING = &H14C
Private Const CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT = &H158
Private Function MatchingRow(ByVal sText$, ByVal mStart&, ByVal iMatchType%) As Long
Dim mFoundRow As Long [ô]the row we find

On Error GoTo Err_MatchingRow
mFoundRow = SendMessageByString(moCombo.hwnd, iMatchType, mStart, sText)

MatchingRow = mFoundRow
Exit Function

mFoundRow = -1
Resume Bye_MatchingRow
End Function
Public Sub AttachTo(ByVal oCombo As ComboBox)
On Error Resume Next
Set moCombo = oCombo
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
On Error Resume Next
Set moCombo = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function Contains(ByVal sText$) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Contains = (SendMessageByString(moCombo.hwnd, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, sText) <> -1)
End Function
Private Function ResultingText(iKeyAscii%) As String
Dim sLeft As String [ô]string element
Dim sSel As String [ô]selected string element
Dim sRight As String [ô]string element
Dim sResult As String [ô]what we[ô]ll return

On Error Resume Next

With moCombo
sLeft = Left$(.Text, .SelStart) [ô]SelStart is 0-based
sSel = Mid$(.Text, .SelStart + 1, .SelLength)
sRight = Mid$(.Text, .SelStart + .SelLength + 1)
End With

Select Case iKeyAscii

Case vbKeyBack [ô]Backspace key
If Len(sSel) = 0 Then [ô]nothing selected
sResult = MinusRightChar(sLeft) & sRight [ô]delete first char on the left
Else [ô]selection exists
sResult = sLeft & sRight [ô]delete selected text only
End If

Case vbKeyDelete [ô]Delete key
If Len(sSel) = 0 Then [ô]nothing selected
sResult = sLeft & MinusLeftChar(sRight) [ô]delete first char on the right
Else [ô]selection exists
sResult = sLeft & sRight [ô]delete selected text only
End If

Case Else [ô]an ordinary character
sResult = sLeft & Chr$(iKeyAscii) & sRight

End Select

ResultingText = sResult
End Function
Private Function MinusLeftChar(ByVal sGiven As String) As String
On Error Resume Next

If Len(sGiven) = 0 Then
MinusLeftChar = [Ô][Ô]
MinusLeftChar = Mid$(sGiven, 2)
End If

End Function
Private Function MinusRightChar(ByVal sGiven As String) As String
On Error Resume Next

If Len(sGiven) = 0 Then
MinusRightChar = [Ô][Ô]
MinusRightChar = Left$(sGiven, Len(sGiven) - 1)
End If

End Function
Private Sub moCombo_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Dim sSearchOn As String [ô]current string to search on

On Error Resume Next
If KeyCode <> vbKeyDelete Then GoTo Bye_moCombo_KeyDown
sSearchOn = ResultingText(KeyCode)

If SearchOn(sSearchOn, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT) = True Then KeyCode = 0

Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub moCombo_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim sSearchOn As String [ô]current string to search on

On Error Resume Next

If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Or KeyAscii = vbKeyTab Then
GoTo Bye_moCombo_KeyPress [ô]we don[ô]t want to know
End If

sSearchOn = ResultingText(KeyAscii)

If KeyAscii = vbKeyBack Then [ô]prevent re-finding original !
If SearchOn(sSearchOn, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT) = True Then KeyAscii = 0
If SearchOn(sSearchOn, CB_FINDSTRING) = True Then KeyAscii = 0
End If

Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Function SearchOn(ByVal sStartText$, ByVal iMatchType%) As Boolean
Dim mOriginalIndex As Long
Dim mNewIndex As Long
Dim yMoveOccurred As Boolean

On Error Resume Next
mOriginalIndex = moCombo.ListIndex
yMoveOccurred = False

mOriginalIndex = mOriginalIndex - 1
If mOriginalIndex < -1 Then mOriginalIndex = -1

With moCombo
If Len(sStartText) > 0 Then [ô]if it contains any text
mNewIndex = MatchingRow(sStartText, mOriginalIndex, iMatchType)
If mNewIndex <> -1 Then [ô]match found
SendMessageByString .hwnd, CB_SETCURSEL, mNewIndex, 0 [ô]set list index
.SelStart = Len(sStartText)
.SelLength = Len(.Text) - Len(sStartText) [ô]select the bit AFTER the match
yMoveOccurred = True
End If
Else [ô]contains no text
SendMessageByString .hwnd, CB_SETCURSEL, -1, 0 [ô]set list index to -1
If mOriginalIndex <> -1 Then yMoveOccurred = True
End If
End With

SearchOn = yMoveOccurred
End Function

ai quando executo e dou o foco ao combo, ele dar o seguinte erro:
Run-time erro [ô]91[ô]
Object variable or with block variable not set

e mando debugar e ele seleciona a linha:
moCombo.AttachTo cboCliente

como eu faço para resolver ou uma outra forma de autocompletar a digitação em combobox.
MARCELO.TREZE 31/12/2010 14:05:29
Resposta escolhida
tenta isto

Public Sub AttachTo(ByVal oCombo As ComboBox)
[ô] On Error Resume Next
Set moCombo = New oCombo
End Sub
WEBIER 31/12/2010 14:13:41
Eu troquei esse:
Public Sub AttachTo(ByVal oCombo As ComboBox)
On Error Resume Next
Set moCombo = oCombo
End Sub

por esse:
Public Sub AttachTo(ByVal oCombo As ComboBox)
[ô] On Error Resume Next
Set moCombo = New oCombo
End Sub

continuou o mesmo erro:
MARCELO.TREZE 31/12/2010 15:31:23
teste aqui efetuado com sucesso

[ô] no general
Private moCombo As New cComboHelper

no load do form não usei o set, pois se vc declarou moCombo como cComboHelper, não precisa seta-lo

[ô] gotfocus do combo
Private Sub Combo1_GotFocus()
moCombo.AttachTo Combo1
End Sub

MARCELO.TREZE 31/12/2010 15:51:43
ps: não tem nada a ver com DAO 3.6
WEBIER 31/12/2010 17:27:49
com essas ultimas alterações funcionou direito

Obrigado Marcelo_Treze e um Prospero ano novo para ti e sua familia
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