USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 15/04/2007 08:12:03
De que forma descubro de usuário tem Office da Microsoft Instalado em sua Máquina.
Para se mais claro quero saber se lá exite Excel e Word.
USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 15/04/2007 12:18:18
Cara eu tenho este cod aqui, mas só funciona em VB6, vc pode usar o assistente pra migrar pro .net. segue->

Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
MsgBox "Outlook Exists " & OutlookExists
MsgBox "Word Exists " & WordExists
MsgBox "Excel Exists " & ExcelExists
MsgBox "Powerpoint Exists " & PowerPointExists
MsgBox "Access Exists " & AccessExists
End Sub

Private Function OutlookExists() As Integer
On Error Resume Next

Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim intExists As Integer

'try to create a new instance of MS Outlook
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

'if the instance of MS Outlook does not exist then MS Outlook is not installed
If objOutlook Is Nothing Then
intExists = 0

'else, MS Outlook is installed
intExists = 1
End If

'distroy the object
Set objOutlook = Nothing

'return the status of MS Outlook being installed
OutlookExists = intExists
End Function

Private Function WordExists() As Integer
On Error Resume Next

Dim objWord As Object
Dim intExists As Integer

'try to create a new instance of MS Word
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")

'if the instance of MS Word does not exist then MS Word is not installed
If objWord Is Nothing Then
intExists = 0

'else, MS Word is installed
intExists = 1
End If

'distroy the object
Set objWord = Nothing

'return the status of MS Word being installed
WordExists = intExists
End Function

Private Function ExcelExists() As Integer
On Error Resume Next

Dim objExcel As Object
Dim intExists As Integer

'try to create a new instance of MS Excel
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

'if the instance of MS Excel does not exist then MS Excel is not installed
If objExcel Is Nothing Then
intExists = 0

'else, MS Excel is installed
intExists = 1
End If

'distroy the object
Set objExcel = Nothing

'return the status of MS Excel being installed
ExcelExists = intExists
End Function

Private Function PowerPointExists() As Integer
On Error Resume Next

Dim objPowerPoint As Object
Dim intExists As Integer

'try to create a new instance of MS PowerPoint
Set objPowerPoint = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")

'if the instance of MS PowerPoint does not exist then MS PowerPoint is not installed
If objPowerPoint Is Nothing Then
intExists = 0

'else, MS PowerPoint is installed
intExists = 1
End If

'distroy the object
Set objPowerPoint = Nothing

'return the status of MS PowerPoint being installed
PowerPointExists = intExists
End Function

Private Function AccessExists() As Integer
On Error Resume Next

Dim objAccess As Object
Dim intExists As Integer

'try to create a new instance of MS Access
Set objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")

'if the instance of MS Access does not exist then MS Access is not installed
If objAccess Is Nothing Then
intExists = 0

'else, MS Access is installed
intExists = 1
End If

'distroy the object
Set objAccess = Nothing

'return the status of MS Access being installed
AccessExists = intExists
End Function

USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 15/04/2007 13:16:21
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