USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 12/12/2003 10:21:08
Olá, gostaria de saber se dá pra mudar a cor de um dia no controle calendar. Vou começar a fazer uma agenda e quero que o dia que tiver algo agendado fique de outra cor.
Se nao for possível com esse controle e existir algum outro gostaria de saber tb.
USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 13/12/2003 21:45:43
Resposta escolhida
Faz o seu próprio, é fácil.
veja o código de exemplo:

' No User Control
' (F) GetWDay(d,c)
' Retorna uma seqà¼ência de caracteres de acordo com a data insirida.
' Onde d é obrigatório e representa um número inteiro de 1 à  7 obtido
' pela função Weekday. E c é um opcional que diz qual o tamanho máximo
' dessa seqà¼ência a ser retornada.
' (F) GetMLen(m,y)
' Retorna o número de dias no mês.
' Onde m representa os mesese de 1 à  12 obtidos por Month(), Obrigatório.
' E y que equivale ao ano, também obrigatório, serve para definir se o ano
' é ou não bissexto para que seja possível retornar a qtd certa de dias no mês
' de Fevereiro.
' (F) GetMName(m)
' Retorna o nome dos meses de acordo com seus números.
' Onde m é uma varável de 1 à  12 representando os meses, Obrigatório.
' (F) GetMNum(m)
' Função inversa da anterior, essa retorna o número equivalente aos meses pela
' variável OBRIGATÓ“RIA m onde se encontra o nome dos meses por extenso e com a 1Âê
' letra do nome em maiúscula.
' (F) DrawCal()
' Função mestra, serve para formar o calendário expondo os dias nas casas certas
' usando Day(MyDate), Month(MyDate), Year(MyDate), Weekday(MyFDay) a as datas no
' formato "1/" & MyMonth & "/" & MyYear.
' para conseguir saber qual foi o dia da semana que iniciou o mês usei a seguinte síntese:
' Weekday("1/" & MyMonth & "/" & MyYear), isso para retornar o número de 1 à  7 do 1º dia do mês.
' Maiores informações verificar o escopo da função.

Function GetWDay(ByVal d As Integer, Optional ByRef c As String) As String
Dim s
Select Case d
Case 1
s = "Domingo"
Case 2
s = "Segunda"
Case 3
s = "Terça"
Case 4
s = "Quarta"
Case 5
s = "Quinta"
Case 6
s = "Sexta"
Case 7
s = "Sábado"
End Select
If c = "s*" Then
GetWDay = Left(s, Len(s))
ElseIf c = "sss" Then
GetWDay = Left(s, 3)
ElseIf c = "ss" Then
GetWDay = Left(s, 2)
ElseIf c = "s" Then
GetWDay = Left(s, 1)
GetWDay = Left(s, Len(s))
End If
End Function

Function GetMLen(ByVal m As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer)
Select Case m
Case 1
GetMLen = 31
Case 2
'GetMLen = ""
If (Y Mod 4) = 0 Then: GetMLen = 29: Else: GetMLen = 28
Case 3
GetMLen = 31
Case 4
GetMLen = 30
Case 5
GetMLen = 31
Case 6
GetMLen = 30
Case 7
GetMLen = 31
Case 8
GetMLen = 31
Case 9
GetMLen = 30
Case 10
GetMLen = 31
Case 11
GetMLen = 30
Case 12
GetMLen = 31
End Select
End Function

Function GetMName(ByVal m As Integer)
Select Case m
Case 1
GetMName = "Janeiro"
Case 2
GetMName = "Fevereiro"
Case 3
GetMName = "Março"
Case 4
GetMName = "Abril"
Case 5
GetMName = "Maio"
Case 6
GetMName = "Junho"
Case 7
GetMName = "Julho"
Case 8
GetMName = "Agosto"
Case 9
GetMName = "Setembro"
Case 10
GetMName = "Outubro"
Case 11
GetMName = "Novembro"
Case 12
GetMName = "Dezembro"
End Select
End Function

Function GetMNum(ByVal m As String) As Integer
Select Case m
Case "Janeiro"
GetMNum = 1
Case "Fevereiro"
GetMNum = 2
Case "Março"
GetMNum = 3
Case "Abril"
GetMNum = 4
Case "Maio"
GetMNum = 5
Case "Junho"
GetMNum = 6
Case "Julho"
GetMNum = 7
Case "Agosto"
GetMNum = 8
Case "Setembro"
GetMNum = 9
Case "Outubro"
GetMNum = 10
Case "Novembro"
GetMNum = 11
Case "Dezembro"
GetMNum = 12
End Select
End Function

Function DrawCal()
Dim MyFDay
MyDay = Day(MyDate) ' alocando na variável MyDay o dia da data MyDate Ex: (31)/1/2003
MyMonth = Month(MyDate) ' alocando na variável MyMonth o mes da data MyDate Ex: 31/(1)/2003
MyYear = Year(MyDate) ' alocando na variável MyYear o ano da data MyDate Ex: 31/1/(2003)
MyFDay = "1/" & MyMonth & "/" & MyYear 'Formando uma nova data usando os valores das variáveis MyMonth e MyYear para descobrir o 1º dia do mês e o aloca na variável local MyFDay
MyWeekDay = Weekday(MyFDay) ' alocando na variável MyWeekDay o valor retornado da variável MyFDay que diz em que semana o mês começou.

'lblValor.Caption = MyDate ' Colocando o valor do calendário no rótulo certo.
cmbMês.Text = GetMName(MyMonth) ' Selecionando o mês atual do cal. no combobox.
cmbAno.Text = MyYear ' Selecionando o ano atual do cal. no combobox.

Dim i As Integer ' declarando a variável local i que é inteira.
For i = 0 To picDias.Count - 1 ' Informando as condições para o loop for.
If i = (MyWeekDay - 1) Then ' Insturi ao loop for a só começar a colocar os dias quando ele estiver na posição certa na semana. Ex: sábado, 1/3/2003 só vai ser posto o nº 1 quando o loop estiver com i em 7
If i = GetMLen(MyMonth, MyYear) + (MyWeekDay - 2) Then ' Instrui ao loop a parar de adicionar os números quando o mês estiver acabado. Ex: segunda, 31/3/2003 quando o loop chegar à  38 (já que 1/3/2003 caiu
'num sábado, e 38-7 é igual a 31 o máximo de dias em Março.)
picDias(i).Tag = (i + 1) - (MyWeekDay - 1) 'Imprime na tag do picture box o dia certo.
'lblDias(i).Caption = "-" 'Imprime no calendário um hífen aonde não se tem dias.
picDias(i).Tag = "-"
End If
'lblDias(i).Caption = "-" 'Imprime no calendário um hífen aonde não se tem dias.
picDias(i).Tag = "-"
End If

PaintButtons i

'Verifica se o caption do lblDias atual é o que contem o dia a ser marcado.
If picDias(i).Tag = MyDay Then
'marca o picDias se for verdadeiro.
lblDias_Click i
'SelectButtons i
End If
Next i 'indica que o loop atingiu o fim.
RaiseEvent DataModificada
End Function

Private Sub ReFreshButtons()
Dim cmdBtn As cmProps
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To picDias.Count - 1
picDias(i).AutoRedraw = True
picDias(i).ScaleMode = 3
picDias(i).BorderStyle = 0
picDias(i).BackColor = vbButtonFace
'-1 button up, 0 button down and 1 to flat button
If m_Aparencia = [3D] Then
m_Status = cmdOutSet
m_Status = cmdFlat
End If
If m_Status = cmdInSet Then m_Status = cmdOutSet
cmdBtn.cmdState = m_Status
cmdBtn.cmdBevel = 1
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftName = "Arial"
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftSize = 8.25
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftBold = bolditalic
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftItalic = bolditalic
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftUnderline = False
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftColor = vbButtonText
cmdBtn.cmdText = picDias(i).Tag
cmdBtn.cmdVAlign = cmdVCenter
cmdBtn.cmdHAlign = cmdHCenter
cmdBtn.cmdMultiline = False
cmdBtn.cmdFocus = focus
DrawCmdBtn cmdBtn, picDias(i)
End Sub

Private Sub SelectButtons(index As Integer)
Dim cmdBtn As cmProps
picDias(index).AutoRedraw = True
picDias(index).ScaleMode = 3
picDias(index).BorderStyle = 0
picDias(index).BackColor = vb3DShadow
'-1 button up, 0 button down and 1 to flat button
If m_Aparencia = [3D] Then
cmdBtn.cmdState = cmdInSet
m_Status = cmdInSet
cmdBtn.cmdState = cmdFlat
m_Status = cmdFlat
End If
cmdBtn.cmdBevel = 1
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftName = "Arial"
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftSize = 8.25
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftBold = bolditalic
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftItalic = bolditalic
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftUnderline = False
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftColor = vb3DHighlight
cmdBtn.cmdText = picDias(index).Tag
cmdBtn.cmdVAlign = cmdVCenter
cmdBtn.cmdHAlign = cmdHCenter
cmdBtn.cmdMultiline = False
cmdBtn.cmdFocus = True
DrawCmdBtn cmdBtn, picDias(index)
End Sub

Private Sub PaintButtons(index As Integer)
Dim cmdBtn As cmProps
picDias(index).AutoRedraw = True
picDias(index).ScaleMode = 3
picDias(index).BorderStyle = 0
picDias(index).BackColor = vbButtonFace
'-1 button up, 0 button down and 1 to flat button
If m_Aparencia = [3D] Then
m_Status = cmdOutSet
m_Status = cmdFlat
End If
If m_Status = cmdInSet Then m_Status = cmdOutSet
cmdBtn.cmdState = m_Status
cmdBtn.cmdBevel = 1
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftName = "Arial"
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftSize = 8.25
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftBold = bolditalic
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftItalic = bolditalic
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftUnderline = False
cmdBtn.cmdFont.ftColor = vbButtonText
cmdBtn.cmdText = picDias(index).Tag
cmdBtn.cmdVAlign = cmdVCenter
cmdBtn.cmdHAlign = cmdHCenter
cmdBtn.cmdMultiline = False
cmdBtn.cmdFocus = False
DrawCmdBtn cmdBtn, picDias(index)
End Sub

'No Módulo:

Option Explicit

'Estrutura de tipos de Fontes
Type ftType
ftName As String
ftSize As Integer
ftBold As Boolean
ftItalic As Boolean
ftUnderline As Boolean
ftColor As OLE_COLOR
End Type

'Estrutura de tipo do "Botão", sendo que não precisa ser necessáriamente ser um.
Type cmProps
cmdState As cmdState
cmdBevel As Integer
cmdFont As ftType
cmdText As String
cmdVAlign As cmdVAlign
cmdHAlign As cmdHAlign
cmdMultiline As Boolean
cmdFocus As Boolean
End Type
'Estrutura de Alinhamento
Enum cmdHAlign
cmdHLeft = -1
cmdHCenter = 0
cmdHRight = 1
End Enum
Enum cmdVAlign
cmdVTop = -1
cmdVCenter = 0
cmdVBotton = 1
End Enum
'Estrutura de Estado da Imagem a ser Gerada.
Enum cmdState
cmdOutSet = -1
cmdInSet = 0
cmdFlat = 1
End Enum

Sub DrawBtnTxt(inPct As PictureBox, lbLeft, lbTop, lbRight, lbBottom, lbText, lbHorzAlign, txVertAlign, inMultiLine)

'Called from within this module to draw text on picturebox and align accordingly
'within area passed in. The vertical alignment of the text is a percent of
'distance from the top of the area - pass in one of these - 0 = top,
'.5 = middle, 1 = bottom.

'The Multi-Line will split on words that have a space between them as well
' as split up long words. If the word is to long to fit horizontal on the
' button it will be split between two or more lines. It also implements
' a char by char compare instead of using instr for the word break so that
' individual chars can be filtered out and acted upon specifically
' i.e. as with the CRLFChr. The CRLFChr "~" acts as an immediate break
' at the word and starts the new text on the next line.
' This can be modified for the '&' character as well.

Dim inBegin As Integer 'Beginning position
Dim inEnd As Integer 'Ending position
Dim inBreak As Integer 'Where to break the line
Dim inTextLen As Integer 'Length of text to be output
Dim inPctTOLen As Integer 'Text Output Length
Dim strText As String 'Work String
Dim txChar As String 'Character working with
Dim inElement As Integer 'Element working with
Dim arText() As String 'Array of text
Dim inTextHeight As Integer 'Height of all text lines
Dim lbVertAlign As Single 'Vertical Alignment of Text
Const CRLFChr = "~" 'Character to act as CRLF

'Set the vertical alignment - Default is "center"
If txVertAlign = -1 Then
lbVertAlign = 0
ElseIf LCase(txVertAlign) = 1 Then
lbVertAlign = 1
lbVertAlign = 0.5
End If

inPctTOLen = lbRight - lbLeft 'Text Output Length
inTextLen = inPct.TextWidth(lbText) 'Length of text

'This checks to see if the line needs to be split
' Always split if it is a multi-line
If inMultiLine Or ((inTextLen inPctTOLen) And inMultiLine) Then
inBegin = 1 'Begin with first position
inElement = 1 'We know we have at least 1 element

For inEnd = 1 To Len(lbText) + 1 'Look at all chrs
txChar = Mid$(lbText, inEnd, 1)
If txChar = " " Then
inBreak = inEnd 'Keep Break on a space position
End If

'This is where the check for CRLFChr is
If (inPct.TextWidth(strText) + inPct.TextWidth(txChar)) inPctTOLen And txChar "" And txChar CRLFChr Then
strText = strText & txChar

ReDim Preserve arText(inElement)
If txChar = "" Then 'End of text
inBreak = inEnd
End If
If txChar = CRLFChr Then 'CRLF character
inBreak = inEnd
End If
If inBreak = 0 Then 'Break on words
inBreak = inEnd - 1
arText(inElement) = Mid$(strText, 1, inEnd - inBegin)
arText(inElement) = Mid$(strText, 1, inBreak - inBegin)
End If

'Text height of each line for centering
inTextHeight = inTextHeight + inPct.TextHeight(arText(inElement))

'End of Text ?
If txChar "" Then
strText = ""
inBegin = inBreak + 1
inEnd = inBreak
inBreak = 0
inElement = inElement + 1
End If
End If


'We still need to move the text to be processed
ReDim arText(1) 'There is only 1 element
arText(1) = lbText 'Move the text in
inTextHeight = inPct.TextHeight(arText(1)) 'Get the heigth of text
End If

'Calculate the Y position
inPct.CurrentY = lbTop + (((lbBottom - lbTop) * lbVertAlign) - (inTextHeight * lbVertAlign))

'Don't let it go over the top
If inPct.CurrentY lbTop Then
inPct.CurrentY = lbTop
End If

For inElement = 1 To UBound(arText) 'Loop thru all element strings

Select Case lbHorzAlign
Case -1
inPct.CurrentX = lbLeft

Case 1
inPct.CurrentX = lbRight - inPct.TextWidth(arText(inElement))

Case 0
inPct.CurrentX = lbLeft + (((lbRight - lbLeft) / 2) - (inPct.TextWidth(arText(inElement)) / 2))
Case Else 'Default "center"
inPct.CurrentX = lbLeft + (((lbRight - lbLeft) / 2) - (inPct.TextWidth(arText(inElement)) / 2))
End Select

inPct.Print arText(inElement)

ReDim arText(0)
End Sub

Sub DrawCmdBtn(inCmd As cmProps, inPct As PictureBox)

'Called each time the button changes focus or up/down

Dim X%, Y%

inPct.Cls 'Used to clear text (not need if not using picture)
Select Case inCmd.cmdFocus 'Draw button according to focus state
Case True
inPct.FillStyle = 1
inPct.Line (0, 0)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 1, inPct.ScaleHeight - 1), 0, B
'Focus rectangle in these two loops
For X = inCmd.cmdBevel + 4 To inPct.ScaleWidth - inCmd.cmdBevel - 4 Step 2
inPct.PSet (X, inCmd.cmdBevel + 3), vbHighlightText
inPct.PSet (X, inPct.ScaleHeight - inCmd.cmdBevel - 4), vbHighlightText
For Y = inCmd.cmdBevel + 4 To inPct.ScaleHeight - inCmd.cmdBevel - 4 Step 2
inPct.PSet (inCmd.cmdBevel + 3, Y), vbHighlightText
inPct.PSet (inPct.ScaleWidth - inCmd.cmdBevel - 4, Y), vbHighlightText
Case False
inPct.Line (0, inPct.ScaleHeight - 1)-(inPct.ScaleWidth, inPct.ScaleHeight - 1), vb3DDKShadow
inPct.Line (inPct.ScaleWidth - 1, 0)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 1, inPct.ScaleHeight), vb3DDKShadow
End Select

SetFonts inCmd.cmdFont, inPct 'Prepare font settings

Select Case inCmd.cmdState
Case -1 'Button up - outset
For X = 0 To inCmd.cmdBevel - 1
inPct.Line (1 + X, inPct.ScaleHeight - 2 - X)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 2 - X + 1, inPct.ScaleHeight - 2 - X), vb3DShadow ' RGB(92, 92, 92)
inPct.Line (1 + X, 1 + X)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 2 - X + 1, 1 + X), vb3DHighlight ' RGB(255, 255, 255)
inPct.Line (inPct.ScaleWidth - 2 - X, 1 + X)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 2 - X, inPct.ScaleHeight - 2 - X), vb3DShadow ' RGB(92, 92, 92)
inPct.Line (1 + X, 1 + X)-(1 + X, inPct.ScaleHeight - 2 - X), vb3DHighlight ' RGB(255, 255, 255)
DrawBtnTxt inPct, inCmd.cmdBevel + 3, inCmd.cmdBevel + 1, inPct.ScaleWidth - inCmd.cmdBevel - 3, inPct.ScaleHeight - inCmd.cmdBevel - 3, inCmd.cmdText, inCmd.cmdHAlign, inCmd.cmdVAlign, inCmd.cmdMultiline
Case 0 'Button down - inset
For X = 0 To inCmd.cmdBevel - 1
inPct.Line (1 + X, inPct.ScaleHeight - 2 - X)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 2 - X + 1, inPct.ScaleHeight - 2 - X), vb3DHighlight ' RGB(92, 92, 92)
inPct.Line (1 + X, 1 + X)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 2 - X + 1, 1 + X), vb3DDKShadow ' RGB(255, 255, 255)
inPct.Line (inPct.ScaleWidth - 2 - X, 1 + X)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 2 - X, inPct.ScaleHeight - 2 - X), vb3DHighlight ' RGB(92, 92, 92)
inPct.Line (1 + X, 1 + X)-(1 + X, inPct.ScaleHeight - 2 - X), vb3DDKShadow ' RGB(255, 255, 255)
'MsgBox inCmd.cmdText
DrawBtnTxt inPct, inCmd.cmdBevel + 4, inCmd.cmdBevel + 5, inPct.ScaleWidth - inCmd.cmdBevel - 1, inPct.ScaleHeight - inCmd.cmdBevel - 2, inCmd.cmdText, inCmd.cmdHAlign, inCmd.cmdVAlign, inCmd.cmdMultiline
Case 1 'Button flat
'isert flat cod.
'inPct.Line (0, inPct.ScaleHeight - 0)-(inPct.ScaleWidth, inPct.ScaleHeight - 0), vb3DDKShadow
'inPct.Line (inPct.ScaleWidth - 0, 0)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 0, inPct.ScaleHeight), vb3DDKShadow
inPct.Line (0 + X, inPct.ScaleHeight - 1 - X)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 1 - X + 0, inPct.ScaleHeight - 1 - X), vb3DDKShadow ' RGB(92, 92, 92)
inPct.Line (0 + X, 0 + X)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 1 - X + 1, 0 + X), vb3DDKShadow ' RGB(255, 255, 255)
inPct.Line (inPct.ScaleWidth - 1 - X, 1 + X)-(inPct.ScaleWidth - 1 - X, inPct.ScaleHeight - 1 - X), vb3DDKShadow ' RGB(92, 92, 92)
inPct.Line (0 + X, 0 + X)-(0 + X, inPct.ScaleHeight - 1 - X), vb3DDKShadow ' RGB(255, 255, 255)
DrawBtnTxt inPct, 0, 0, inPct.ScaleWidth, inPct.ScaleHeight, inCmd.cmdText, inCmd.cmdHAlign, inCmd.cmdVAlign, inCmd.cmdMultiline
End Select

End Sub

Sub SetFonts(inFont As ftType, inPct As PictureBox)

'Called from within this module to set the fonts of the picturebox. The font
'name will not be checked for correct spelling (if errors - check name spelling first).

inPct.FontName = inFont.ftName
inPct.FontSize = inFont.ftSize
inPct.FontBold = inFont.ftBold
inPct.FontItalic = inFont.ftItalic
inPct.FontUnderline = inFont.ftUnderline
inPct.ForeColor = inFont.ftColor

End Sub

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