MOUSER 25/04/2014 20:10:17
Existe algum tipo de software que converta o código de um projeto em VB.NET para C#?
PEDROALSOI 25/04/2014 20:39:04
Eu uso esse
MOUSER 25/04/2014 21:55:03
Como o ambiente que estou agora, não tem as ferramentas para testar a conversão, vou testar assim que chegar em casa... Agradeço muito a ajuda PEDRO47501
OMAR2011 25/04/2014 22:54:46
Bom olhar este também.
KILLERBEST 28/04/2014 06:47:48
Resposta escolhida
Veja isso


Eu utilizo para converter de C# para vb, mas tb tem outros, como vb para C#
MOUSER 28/04/2014 21:24:15
Vou fazer o teste de um por um. A linguagem C# e C#.Net são os mesmo?
KILLERBEST 29/04/2014 05:32:21
In addition to what Andrew said, it is worth noting that:

.NET isn[ô]t just a library, but also a runtime for executing applications.
The knowledge of C# implies some knowledge of .NET (because the C# object model corresponds to the .NET object model and you can do anything interesting in C# just by using .NET libraries). The opposite isn[ô]t necessarily true as you can use other languages to write .NET applications.
The distinction between a langauge and runtime and library is more strict in .NET/C# than for example in C++, where the language specification also includes some basic library functions. The C# specification says only a very little about the environment (basically, that it should contain some types such asi int, but that[ô]s more or less all).

Fonte: What is the difference between C# and .NET?
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