USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 26/04/2004 12:51:00
Como faço para gerar uma senha aleatoriamente com numeros e letras?
CAJU 26/04/2004 18:01:58
Resposta escolhida
o ACTIVELOCK usa esse:

'************* VC ESCOLHE O TIPO AQUI
Public Enum THastType 'Added Apr/2002 --- Francois de Wet
htSHA1AA1 = 0
htSHA1AA2 = 1
htMD5AA1 = 2
htMD5AA2 = 3
htMD5AB1 = 4
htMD5AB2 = 5
End Enum

Option Private Module
Option Explicit

' Author: Ian Lynagh
' Date : 1998

Function BigAA1Add(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
Dim valueans As String
Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer

tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
If tempnum 0 Then
value1 = Space$(Abs(tempnum)) + value1
ElseIf tempnum 0 Then
value2 = Space$(Abs(tempnum)) + value2
End If

tempnum = 0
For loopit = Len(value1) To 1 Step -1
tempnum = tempnum + Val("&H" + Mid$(value1, loopit, 1)) + Val("&H" + Mid$(value2, loopit, 1))
valueans = Hex$(tempnum Mod 16) + valueans
tempnum = Int(tempnum / 16)
Next loopit
If tempnum 0 Then
valueans = Hex$(tempnum) + valueans
End If

BigAA1Add = valueans

End Function

Function BigAA1AND(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
Dim valueans As String
Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer

tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
If tempnum 0 Then
value2 = Mid$(value2, Abs(tempnum) + 1)
ElseIf tempnum 0 Then
value1 = Mid$(value1, tempnum + 1)
End If

For loopit = 1 To Len(value1)
valueans = valueans + Hex$(Val("&H" + Mid$(value1, loopit, 1)) And Val("&H" + Mid$(value2, loopit, 1)))
Next loopit

BigAA1AND = valueans

End Function

Function BigAA1Mod32Add(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
BigAA1Mod32Add = Right$(BigAA1Add(value1, value2), 8)

End Function

Function BigAA1NOT(ByVal value1 As String) As String
Dim valueans As String
Dim loopit As Integer

value1 = Right$(value1, 8)
value1 = String$(8 - Len(value1), "0") + value1
For loopit = 1 To 8
valueans = valueans + Hex$(15 Xor Val("&H" + Mid$(value1, loopit, 1)))
Next loopit

BigAA1NOT = valueans

End Function

Function BigAA1OR(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
Dim valueans As String
Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer

tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
If tempnum 0 Then
valueans = Left$(value2, Abs(tempnum))
value2 = Mid$(value2, Abs(tempnum) + 1)
ElseIf tempnum 0 Then
valueans = Left$(value1, Abs(tempnum))
value1 = Mid$(value1, tempnum + 1)
End If

For loopit = 1 To Len(value1)
valueans = valueans + Hex$(Val("&H" + Mid$(value1, loopit, 1)) Or Val("&H" + Mid$(value2, loopit, 1)))
Next loopit

BigAA1OR = valueans

End Function

Function BigAA1RotLeft(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal rots As Integer) As String
Dim tempstr As String
Dim loopit As Integer, loopinner As Integer, tempnum As Integer

rots = rots Mod 32
If rots = 0 Then
BigAA1RotLeft = value1
Exit Function
End If
value1 = Right$(value1, 8)
tempstr = String$(8 - Len(value1), "0") + value1
value1 = ""

' Convert to binary
For loopit = 1 To 8
tempnum = Val("&H" + Mid$(tempstr, loopit, 1))
For loopinner = 3 To 0 Step -1
If tempnum And 2 ^ loopinner Then
value1 = value1 + "1"
value1 = value1 + "0"
End If
Next loopinner
Next loopit

tempstr = Mid$(value1, rots + 1) + Left$(value1, rots)

' And convert back to hex
value1 = ""
For loopit = 0 To 7
tempnum = 0
For loopinner = 0 To 3
If Val(Mid$(tempstr, 4 * loopit + loopinner + 1, 1)) Then
tempnum = tempnum + 2 ^ (3 - loopinner)
End If
Next loopinner
value1 = value1 + Hex$(tempnum)
Next loopit

BigAA1RotLeft = value1

End Function

Function BigAA1XOR(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
Dim valueans As String
Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer

tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
If tempnum 0 Then
valueans = Left$(value2, Abs(tempnum))
value2 = Mid$(value2, Abs(tempnum) + 1)
ElseIf tempnum 0 Then
valueans = Left$(value1, Abs(tempnum))
value1 = Mid$(value1, tempnum + 1)
End If

For loopit = 1 To Len(value1)
valueans = valueans + Hex$(Val("&H" + Mid$(value1, loopit, 1)) Xor Val("&H" + Mid$(value2, loopit, 1)))
Next loopit

BigAA1XOR = valueans

End Function

Function BigAA2Add(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
Dim valueans As String, temps1 As String, temps2 As String, tempstr As String
Dim tempnum As Long

tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
If tempnum 0 Then
value1 = String$(Abs(tempnum), "0") + value1
ElseIf tempnum 0 Then
value2 = String$(tempnum, "0") + value2
End If

tempnum = 0
While Len(value1) 5
temps1 = Right$(value1, 6)
temps2 = Right$(value2, 6)
tempnum = tempnum + Val("&H" + temps1 + "&") + Val("&H" + temps2 + "&")
tempstr = Hex$(tempnum Mod 16777216)
valueans = String$(6 - Len(tempstr), "0") + tempstr + valueans
tempnum = Int(tempnum / 16777216)
value1 = Left$(value1, Len(value1) - 6)
value2 = Left$(value2, Len(value2) - 6)
tempnum = tempnum + Val("&H" + value1 + "&") + Val("&H" + value2 + "&")
valueans = Hex$(tempnum Mod 16777216) + valueans

BigAA2Add = valueans

End Function

Function BigAA2AND(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
Dim valueans As String, tempstr As String
Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer

tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
If tempnum 0 Then
value2 = Mid$(value2, Abs(tempnum) + 1)
ElseIf tempnum 0 Then
value1 = Mid$(value1, tempnum + 1)
End If

While Len(value1) 7
tempstr = Hex$(Val("&H" + Left$(value1, 7) + "&") And Val("&H" + Left$(value2, 7) + "&"))
valueans = valueans + String$(7 - Len(tempstr), "0") + tempstr
value1 = Mid$(value1, 8)
value2 = Mid$(value2, 8)
tempnum = Len(value1)
tempstr = Hex$(Val("&H" + value1 + "&") And Val("&H" + value2 + "&"))
valueans = valueans + String$(tempnum - Len(tempstr), "0") + tempstr

BigAA2AND = valueans

End Function

Function BigAA2Mod32Add(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
BigAA2Mod32Add = BigAA1Mod32Add(value1, value2)

End Function

Function BigAA2NOT(ByVal value1 As String) As String
Dim valueans As String
Dim loopit As Integer

value1 = Right$(value1, 8)
value1 = String$(8 - Len(value1), "0") + value1
valueans = Hex$(65535 Xor Val("&H" + Right$(value1, 4) + "&"))
valueans = String$(4 - Len(valueans), "0") + valueans
valueans = Hex$(65535 Xor Val("&H" + Left$(value1, 4) + "&")) + valueans
valueans = String$(8 - Len(valueans), "0") + valueans

BigAA2NOT = valueans

End Function

Function BigAA2OR(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
Dim valueans As String, tempstr As String
Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer

tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
If tempnum 0 Then
valueans = Left$(value2, Abs(tempnum))
value2 = Mid$(value2, Abs(tempnum) + 1)
ElseIf tempnum 0 Then
valueans = Left$(value1, Abs(tempnum))
value1 = Mid$(value1, tempnum + 1)
End If

While Len(value1) 7
tempstr = Hex$(Val("&H" + Left$(value1, 7) + "&") Or Val("&H" + Left$(value2, 7) + "&"))
valueans = valueans + String$(7 - Len(tempstr), "0") + tempstr
value1 = Mid$(value1, 8)
value2 = Mid$(value2, 8)
tempnum = Len(value1)
tempstr = Hex$(Val("&H" + value1 + "&") Or Val("&H" + value2 + "&"))
valueans = valueans + String$(tempnum - Len(tempstr), "0") + tempstr

BigAA2OR = valueans

End Function

Function BigAA2RotLeft(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal rots As Integer) As String
BigAA2RotLeft = BigAA1RotLeft(value1, rots)

End Function

Function BigAA2XOR(ByVal value1 As String, ByVal value2 As String) As String
Dim valueans As String, tempstr As String
Dim loopit As Integer, tempnum As Integer

tempnum = Len(value1) - Len(value2)
If tempnum 0 Then
valueans = Left$(value2, Abs(tempnum))
value2 = Mid$(value2, Abs(tempnum) + 1)
ElseIf tempnum 0 Then
valueans = Left$(value1, Abs(tempnum))
value1 = Mid$(value1, tempnum + 1)
End If

While Len(value1) 7
tempstr = Hex$(Val("&H" + Left$(value1, 7) + "&") Xor Val("&H" + Left$(value2, 7) + "&"))
valueans = valueans + String$(7 - Len(tempstr), "0") + tempstr
value1 = Mid$(value1, 8)
value2 = Mid$(value2, 8)
tempnum = Len(value1)
tempstr = Hex$(Val("&H" + value1 + "&") Xor Val("&H" + value2 + "&"))
valueans = valueans + String$(tempnum - Len(tempstr), "0") + tempstr

BigAA2XOR = valueans

End Function

Function SHA1AA1Hash(ByVal hashthis As String) As String
ReDim buf(0 To 4) As String
ReDim in_(0 To 79) As String
Dim tempnum As Integer, tempnum2 As Integer, loopit As Integer, loopouter As Integer, loopinner As Integer
Dim a As String, b As String, c As String, d As String, e As String
Dim tempstr As String

' Add padding
tempnum = 8 * Len(hashthis)
hashthis = hashthis + Chr$(128) 'Add binary 10000000
tempnum2 = 56 - Len(hashthis) Mod 64
If tempnum2 0 Then
tempnum2 = 64 + tempnum2
End If
hashthis = hashthis + String$(tempnum2, Chr$(0))
For loopit = 1 To 8
tempstr = Chr$(tempnum Mod 256) + tempstr
tempnum = tempnum - tempnum Mod 256
tempnum = tempnum / 256
Next loopit
hashthis = hashthis + tempstr

' Set magic numbers
buf(0) = "67452301"
buf(1) = "efcdab89"
buf(2) = "98badcfe"
buf(3) = "10325476"
buf(4) = "c3d2e1f0"

' For each 512 bit section
For loopouter = 0 To Len(hashthis) / 64 - 1
a = buf(0)
b = buf(1)
c = buf(2)
d = buf(3)
e = buf(4)

' Get the 512 bits
For loopit = 0 To 15
in_(loopit) = ""
For loopinner = 4 To 1 Step -1
in_(loopit) = Hex$(Asc(Mid$(hashthis, 64 * loopouter + 4 * loopit + loopinner, 1))) + in_(loopit)
If Len(in_(loopit)) Mod 2 Then in_(loopit) = "0" + in_(loopit)
Next loopinner
Next loopit

For loopit = 16 To 79
in_(loopit) = BigAA1RotLeft(BigAA1XOR(BigAA1XOR(BigAA1XOR(in_(loopit - 3), in_(loopit - 8)), in_(loopit - 14)), in_(loopit - 16)), 1)
Next loopit

For loopit = 0 To 19
tempstr = BigAA1OR(BigAA1AND(b, c), BigAA1AND(BigAA1NOT(b), d))
tempstr = BigAA1Mod32Add(BigAA1RotLeft(a, 5), BigAA1Mod32Add(tempstr, BigAA1Mod32Add(e, BigAA1Mod32Add(in_(loopit), "5A827999"))))
e = d
d = c
c = BigAA1RotLeft(b, 30)
b = a
a = tempstr
Next loopit

For loopit = 20 To 39
tempstr = BigAA1XOR(BigAA1XOR(b, c), d)
tempstr = BigAA1Mod32Add(BigAA1RotLeft(a, 5), BigAA1Mod32Add(tempstr, BigAA1Mod32Add(e, BigAA1Mod32Add(in_(loopit), "6ED9EBA1"))))
e = d
d = c
c = BigAA1RotLeft(b, 30)
b = a
a = tempstr
Next loopit

For loopit = 40 To 59
tempstr = BigAA1OR(BigAA1OR(BigAA1AND(b, c), BigAA1AND(b, d)), BigAA1AND(c, d))
tempstr = BigAA1Mod32Add(BigAA1RotLeft(a, 5), BigAA1Mod32Add(tempstr, BigAA1Mod32Add(e, BigAA1Mod32Add(in_(loopit), "8F1BBCDC"))))
e = d
d = c
c = BigAA1RotLeft(b, 30)
b = a
a = tempstr
Next loopit

For loopit = 60 To 79
tempstr = BigAA1XOR(BigAA1XOR(b, c), d)
tempstr = BigAA1Mod32Add(BigAA1RotLeft(a, 5), BigAA1Mod32Add(tempstr, BigAA1Mod32Add(e, BigAA1Mod32Add(in_(loopit), "CA62C1D6"))))
e = d
d = c
c = BigAA1RotLeft(b, 30)
b = a
a = tempstr
Next loopit

buf(0) = BigAA1Mod32Add(buf(0), a)
buf(1) = BigAA1Mod32Add(buf(1), b)
buf(2) = BigAA1Mod32Add(buf(2), c)
buf(3) = BigAA1Mod32Add(buf(3), d)
buf(4) = BigAA1Mod32Add(buf(4), e)

Next loopouter

' Extract MD5Hash
hashthis = ""
For loopit = 0 To 4
For loopinner = 0 To 3
hashthis = hashthis + Mid$(buf(loopit), 1 + 2 * loopinner, 2)
Next loopinner
Next loopit

' And return it
SHA1AA1Hash = hashthis

End Function

Function SHA1AA2Hash(ByVal hashthis As String) As String
ReDim buf(0 To 4) As String
ReDim in_(0 To 79) As String
Dim tempnum As Integer, tempnum2 As Integer, loopit As Integer, loopouter As Integer, loopinner As Integer
Dim a As String, b As String, c As String, d As String, e As String
Dim tempstr As String

' Add padding
tempnum = 8 * Len(hashthis)
hashthis = hashthis + Chr$(128) 'Add binary 10000000
tempnum2 = 56 - Len(hashthis) Mod 64
If tempnum2 0 Then
tempnum2 = 64 + tempnum2
End If
hashthis = hashthis + String$(tempnum2, Chr$(0))
For loopit = 1 To 8
tempstr = Chr$(tempnum Mod 256) + tempstr
tempnum = tempnum - tempnum Mod 256
tempnum = tempnum / 256
Next loopit
hashthis = hashthis + tempstr

' Set magic numbers
buf(0) = "67452301"
buf(1) = "efcdab89"
buf(2) = "98badcfe"
buf(3) = "10325476"
buf(4) = "c3d2e1f0"

' For each 512 bit section
For loopouter = 0 To Len(hashthis) / 64 - 1
a = buf(0)
b = buf(1)
c = buf(2)
d = buf(3)
e = buf(4)

' Get the 512 bits
For loopit = 0 To 15
in_(loopit) = ""
For loopinner = 4 To 1 Step -1
in_(loopit) = Hex$(Asc(Mid$(hashthis, 64 * loopouter + 4 * loopit + loopinner, 1))) + in_(loopit)
If Len(in_(loopit)) Mod 2 Then in_(loopit) = "0" + in_(loopit)
Next loopinner
Next loopit

For loopit = 16 To 79
in_(loopit) = BigAA2RotLeft(BigAA2XOR(BigAA2XOR(BigAA2XOR(in_(loopit - 3), in_(loopit - 8)), in_(loopit - 14)), in_(loopit - 16)), 1)
Next loopit

For loopit = 0 To 19
tempstr = BigAA2OR(BigAA2AND(b, c), BigAA2AND(BigAA2NOT(b), d))
tempstr = BigAA2Mod32Add(BigAA2RotLeft(a, 5), BigAA2Mod32Add(tempstr, BigAA2Mod32Add(e, BigAA2Mod32Add(in_(loopit), "5A827999"))))
e = d
d = c
c = BigAA2RotLeft(b, 30)
b = a
a = tempstr
Next loopit

For loopit = 20 To 39
tempstr = BigAA2XOR(BigAA2XOR(b, c), d)
tempstr = BigAA2Mod32Add(BigAA2RotLeft(a, 5), BigAA2Mod32Add(tempstr, BigAA2Mod32Add(e, BigAA2Mod32Add(in_(loopit), "6ED9EBA1"))))
e = d
d = c
c = BigAA2RotLeft(b, 30)
b = a
a = tempstr
Next loopit

For loopit = 40 To 59
tempstr = BigAA2OR(BigAA2OR(BigAA2AND(b, c), BigAA2AND(b, d)), BigAA2AND(c, d))
tempstr = BigAA2Mod32Add(BigAA2RotLeft(a, 5), BigAA2Mod32Add(tempstr, BigAA2Mod32Add(e, BigAA2Mod32Add(in_(loopit), "8F1BBCDC"))))
e = d
d = c
c = BigAA2RotLeft(b, 30)
b = a
a = tempstr
Next loopit

For loopit = 60 To 79
tempstr = BigAA2XOR(BigAA2XOR(b, c), d)
tempstr = BigAA2Mod32Add(BigAA2RotLeft(a, 5), BigAA2Mod32Add(tempstr, BigAA2Mod32Add(e, BigAA2Mod32Add(in_(loopit), "CA62C1D6"))))
e = d
d = c
c = BigAA2RotLeft(b, 30)
b = a
a = tempstr
Next loopit

buf(0) = BigAA2Mod32Add(buf(0), a)
buf(1) = BigAA2Mod32Add(buf(1), b)
buf(2) = BigAA2Mod32Add(buf(2), c)
buf(3) = BigAA2Mod32Add(buf(3), d)
buf(4) = BigAA2Mod32Add(buf(4), e)

Next loopouter

' Extract MD5Hash
hashthis = ""
For loopit = 0 To 4
For loopinner = 0 To 3
hashthis = hashthis + Mid$(buf(loopit), 1 + 2 * loopinner, 2)
Next loopinner
Next loopit

' And return it
SHA1AA2Hash = hashthis

End Function
CAJU 26/04/2004 18:09:05
eita! o código ficou muito grande e faltou muito "MAIOR, MENOR"

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