como faço para a imagem do meu MDIFORM se ajuste a tela do monitor, pis eu fiz em uma tela de 15[Ô], quando eu abro na tela de 19[Ô], a imagem fica menor. como corrigir isso?
Private Sub Obtem()
Dim xTwips%, yTwips%, xPixels#, YPixels#
xTwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
yTwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
YPixels = Screen.Height / yTwips
xPixels = Screen.Width / xTwips
Debug.Print [Ô]A Resolução é: [Ô] & Str$(xPixels) + _
[Ô] por [Ô] + Str$(YPixels)
End Sub
Dim xTwips%, yTwips%, xPixels#, YPixels#
xTwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
yTwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
YPixels = Screen.Height / yTwips
xPixels = Screen.Width / xTwips
Debug.Print [Ô]A Resolução é: [Ô] & Str$(xPixels) + _
[Ô] por [Ô] + Str$(YPixels)
End Sub
Private Sub Obtem()
Dim xTwips%, yTwips%, xPixels#, YPixels#
xTwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
yTwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
YPixels = Screen.Height / yTwips
xPixels = Screen.Width / xTwips
Debug.Print [Ô]A Resolução é: [Ô] & Str$(xPixels) + _
[Ô] por [Ô] + Str$(YPixels)
End Sub
Isso vai mostrar para vc a reolução atual do desktop.
Nenhuma novidade? Estou acompanhando este tópico!!!
SAMATE, no link abaixo tem um código que redimensiona a imagem de acordo com o MDIFORM.
Seu exemplo usa um picturebox.. mas se for definido como background direto no mdi pai?
valeu galera de certo, usei o exemplo do site que o fininho passou,
adaptado ficou assim
Private Sub MDIForm_Activate()
End Sub
Private Sub MDIForm_Resize()
Dim client_rect As RECT
Dim client_hwnd As Long
picStretched.Move 0, 0, _
ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
[ô] Copy the original picture into picStretched.
picStretched.PaintPicture _
picOriginal.Picture, _
0, 0, _
picStretched.ScaleWidth, _
picStretched.ScaleHeight, _
0, 0, _
picOriginal.ScaleWidth, _
[ô] Set the MDI form[ô]s picture.
Picture = picStretched.Image
[ô] Invalidate the picture.
client_hwnd = FindWindowEx(Me.hwnd, 0, [Ô]MDIClient[Ô], vbNullChar)
GetClientRect client_hwnd, client_rect
InvalidateRect client_hwnd, client_rect, 1
End Sub
adaptado ficou assim
Private Sub MDIForm_Activate()
End Sub
Private Sub MDIForm_Resize()
Dim client_rect As RECT
Dim client_hwnd As Long
picStretched.Move 0, 0, _
ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
[ô] Copy the original picture into picStretched.
picStretched.PaintPicture _
picOriginal.Picture, _
0, 0, _
picStretched.ScaleWidth, _
picStretched.ScaleHeight, _
0, 0, _
picOriginal.ScaleWidth, _
[ô] Set the MDI form[ô]s picture.
Picture = picStretched.Image
[ô] Invalidate the picture.
client_hwnd = FindWindowEx(Me.hwnd, 0, [Ô]MDIClient[Ô], vbNullChar)
GetClientRect client_hwnd, client_rect
InvalidateRect client_hwnd, client_rect, 1
End Sub
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