FAUSTOARAXA 27/05/2010 11:19:28
Olá amigos do forum bom dia

Amigo tenho um msflegrid no meu projeto ligado ao banco de dados access2000 mostrano dos os dados dos estoque certo

Preciso fazer o seguinte pegar os que aparece no msflexgrid e exporta para o excel alguém sabe como fazer ?
MARCELO.TREZE 27/05/2010 11:29:02
tenho esta sub, não testei teste ela, não é de minha autoria.

Sub CopyToExcel(InFlexGrid As MSFlexGrid, Nome$, _
ByVal TextoAdicional$)
Dim R%, c%, Buf$, LstRow%, LstCol%
Dim FormatMoney As Boolean
Dim MyExcel As Excel.Application
Dim wbExcel As Excel.Workbook
Dim shExcel As Excel.Worksheet
On Error Resume Next

Set MyExcel = GetObject(, [Ô]Excel.Application[Ô])
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Set MyExcel = CreateObject([Ô]Excel.Application[Ô])
End If
Set wbExcel = MyExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set shExcel = wbExcel.Worksheets.Add
shExcel.Name = Nome$
LstCol% = 0
For c% = 0 To InFlexGrid.Cols - 1
InFlexGrid.Col = c%
LstRow% = 0
For R% = 0 To InFlexGrid.Rows - 1
InFlexGrid.Row = R%
Buf$ = InFlexGrid.TextMatrix(R%, c%)
If Buf$ <> [Ô][Ô] Then
FormatMoney = False
If InStr(Buf$, vbCrLf) Then
Buf$ = StrTran(Buf$, vbCrLf, vbLf)
Do While Right(Buf$, 1) = vbLf
Buf$ = Left(Buf$, Len(Buf$) - 1)
shExcel.Range(Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô]) + c%)).WrapText = True
ElseIf Format(CDbl(Buf$),csFormatMoneyZero)=Buf$ Then
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Buf$ = Str(CDbl(Buf$))
FormatMoney = True
End If
End If
If Buf$ <> [Ô][Ô] Then
If InFlexGrid.MergeRow(R%) Then
For LstCol% = c% To 1 Step -1
If InFlexGrid.TextMatrix(R%,LstCol%-1)<>InFlexGrid.TextMatrix(R%,c%) Then
Exit For
End If
If LstCol% <> c% Then
shExcel.Range(Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+LstCol%) & (R%+1), _
Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & (R%+1)).MergeCells=True
shExcel.Range(Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+LstCol%) & (R%+1), _
Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & (R%+1)).BorderAround
End If
End If
If InFlexGrid.MergeCol(c%) And LstRow% <> R% Then
If InFlexGrid.TextMatrix(LstRow%,c%)=InFlexGrid.TextMatrix(R%,c%)Then
shExcel.Range(Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & (LstRow%+1), _
Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & (R%+1)).MergeCells=True
shExcel.Range(Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & (LstRow%+1), _
Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & (R%+1)).BorderAround
LstRow% = R%
End If
End If
shExcel.Range(Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & _
If R%<InFlexGrid.FixedRows Or c%<InFlexGrid.FixedCols Then
shExcel.Range(Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & _
[ô] shExcel.Range(Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & _
[ô] (r%+1)).Font.BackColor = 40
End If
shExcel.Range(Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & (R%+1)).Value=Buf$
If FormatMoney Then
shExcel.Range(Chr(Asc([Ô]A[Ô])+c%) & _
End If
End If
End If
If TextoAdicional$ <> [Ô][Ô] Then
[ô] shExcel.Rows(Str(r%+2)).Delete (xlShiftUp)
Do While Right(TextoAdicional$, 1) = vbLf
TextoAdicional$ = Left(TextoAdicional$, _
Len(TextoAdicional$) - 1)
shExcel.Range([Ô]A[Ô] & (R% + 2)).Value = TextoAdicional$
End If
MyExcel.Visible = True
Set shExcel = Nothing
Set wbExcel = Nothing
Set MyExcel = Nothing
End Sub

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