Infelizmente, o Planet Source Code saiu do ar devido a perda de dados.
Uma lição dura para quem trabalha com programação, a perda de Backup levou à queda do site.
Uma lição dura para quem trabalha com programação, a perda de Backup levou à queda do site.
Puxa vida!
Estava lembrando aqui que ANTES de 2003 o VBMania tomou um capote destes também, mas se levantou de boa. (Foi preciso refazer o cadastro de usuários).
Abaixo a mensagem do site:
June 16, 2015
I have some extremely sad news. After 20 years, Planet Source Code is shutting down. The storage area network that stored the uploads experienced a catastrophic hardware failure, and all of the uploads have been lost. Without them, it doesn[ô]t make sense to continue running the site.
What happened?
As many of you have noticed, the site has been up and down the last several weeks. The site was hosted on an fairly expensive ($75,000) co-located system with our own private VMware cloud. The data was stored on a state-of-the-art Hewlett-Packard storage area network, with multiple redundancies. The RAID hardware could handle up to two disk failures in any sub partition at one time, and still continue working.
Sometime in the last half year, the site experienced two hard drive failures in the partition that holds the site uploads. But unfortunately, I never knew about it. Due to a technician mistake during setup, the system never alerted an administrator. By the time I happened to notice something was strange, a third drive had failed, which was more failure than the system was designed to handle.
We[ô]ve been trying for the last couple of weeks to try to recover, and I spent several thousand dollars in technician fees, but unsuccessfully. Unfortunately, the data is lost. Without all the code, planet source code has no purpose to continue running.
Very sad, but proud too
Looking back, I[ô]m very proud of what Planet Source Code accomplished. It was one of the very first open-source websites, before the concept of open source even existed. It[ô]s been an incredible resource for millions of programmers. I poured my heart and soul into it for two decades, so this is a difficult moment.
A labor of love
I also poured my pocketbook into it: many years the immense bandwidth with the site uses has cost more money to run than it made back in advertising. But the site wasn[ô]t about money: it was about programming. I[ô]ve been honored to be able to interact with so many of my fellow programmers on the site. And I wish all of you the best.
As always, keep on coding,
Ian Ippolito
P.S. a few of you have asked what other projects I[ô]m going to be working on. Nothing so far the programming field, but here[ô]s what I[ô]m doing:
1) Dollar candy: Play 60 second puzzles against three other people for real money! Legal in 36 states and overseas.
2) The Real Estate Crowdfunding Review: Investing tools that cut through the clutter and the hype. Real information and reviews. Real-time investment feeds. Real profitable.
3) Exhedra Solutions Inc.: The company that started it all and was the holding company for Planet Source Code.
And I[ô]m sure there will be some other things to announce in the future. Again, all the best to everyone.
© 2015 - Planet source code
Puxa vida!
Estava lembrando aqui que ANTES de 2003 o VBMania tomou um capote destes também, mas se levantou de boa. (Foi preciso refazer o cadastro de usuários).
Abaixo a mensagem do site:
June 16, 2015
I have some extremely sad news. After 20 years, Planet Source Code is shutting down. The storage area network that stored the uploads experienced a catastrophic hardware failure, and all of the uploads have been lost. Without them, it doesn[ô]t make sense to continue running the site.
What happened?
As many of you have noticed, the site has been up and down the last several weeks. The site was hosted on an fairly expensive ($75,000) co-located system with our own private VMware cloud. The data was stored on a state-of-the-art Hewlett-Packard storage area network, with multiple redundancies. The RAID hardware could handle up to two disk failures in any sub partition at one time, and still continue working.
Sometime in the last half year, the site experienced two hard drive failures in the partition that holds the site uploads. But unfortunately, I never knew about it. Due to a technician mistake during setup, the system never alerted an administrator. By the time I happened to notice something was strange, a third drive had failed, which was more failure than the system was designed to handle.
We[ô]ve been trying for the last couple of weeks to try to recover, and I spent several thousand dollars in technician fees, but unsuccessfully. Unfortunately, the data is lost. Without all the code, planet source code has no purpose to continue running.
Very sad, but proud too
Looking back, I[ô]m very proud of what Planet Source Code accomplished. It was one of the very first open-source websites, before the concept of open source even existed. It[ô]s been an incredible resource for millions of programmers. I poured my heart and soul into it for two decades, so this is a difficult moment.
A labor of love
I also poured my pocketbook into it: many years the immense bandwidth with the site uses has cost more money to run than it made back in advertising. But the site wasn[ô]t about money: it was about programming. I[ô]ve been honored to be able to interact with so many of my fellow programmers on the site. And I wish all of you the best.
As always, keep on coding,
Ian Ippolito
P.S. a few of you have asked what other projects I[ô]m going to be working on. Nothing so far the programming field, but here[ô]s what I[ô]m doing:
1) Dollar candy: Play 60 second puzzles against three other people for real money! Legal in 36 states and overseas.
2) The Real Estate Crowdfunding Review: Investing tools that cut through the clutter and the hype. Real information and reviews. Real-time investment feeds. Real profitable.
3) Exhedra Solutions Inc.: The company that started it all and was the holding company for Planet Source Code.
And I[ô]m sure there will be some other things to announce in the future. Again, all the best to everyone.
© 2015 - Planet source code
é .... o PSC não é duro de matar igual ao vb6 .... 
Ultimamente, eu fazia mais downloads lá do que aqui no site .... mas deu tempo de baixar diversos exemplos .....

Ultimamente, eu fazia mais downloads lá do que aqui no site .... mas deu tempo de baixar diversos exemplos .....

Sinceramente me parece mais que o Ian (ja falei com ele muitos anos atras) realmente quis tirar a coisa do ar, mas para nao ficar feio teve uma [ô]suposta[ô] perda de conteudo.
Enfim, o site ja estava extremamente ultrapassado em design e funcinalidades, ele nao sofria manutencoes ha anos realmente.
Aproveitando, que outro site voces conhecem que vai nessa linha hoje em dia ?
Tem muito proprietario, que carrega a propria bandeira e cria uma [Ô]rede[Ô] de contribuidores, o PSC seguia uma filosofia bem diferente e que nos idos dos anos 90 funcionou perfeitamente e cresceu muito. Hoje em dia as pessas nao querem o anonimato de simplesmente participar e contribuir , querem ser referencia/aparecer como donos de determinado conteudo e isso proliferou muitos sites de conteudo na web de hoje em dia.
Enfim, o site ja estava extremamente ultrapassado em design e funcinalidades, ele nao sofria manutencoes ha anos realmente.
Aproveitando, que outro site voces conhecem que vai nessa linha hoje em dia ?
Tem muito proprietario, que carrega a propria bandeira e cria uma [Ô]rede[Ô] de contribuidores, o PSC seguia uma filosofia bem diferente e que nos idos dos anos 90 funcionou perfeitamente e cresceu muito. Hoje em dia as pessas nao querem o anonimato de simplesmente participar e contribuir , querem ser referencia/aparecer como donos de determinado conteudo e isso proliferou muitos sites de conteudo na web de hoje em dia.
parece que estão voltandoooo

parece que estão voltandoooo

Ainda bem que tem o GitHub, está tudo lá...
Ainda tem as coisas que mandei lá!
Ainda tem as coisas que mandei lá!
Alterado em 20/01/2025 09:28:17
Tem esse que usei muito https://www.hotscripts.com/
Alterado em 25/01/2025 17:49:25
Foi um trabalho do wqweto do vbforums, que fez todo este trabalho e ajuda de alguns colegas que guardou os pacotes do psc.
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