SOBERASSL 03/09/2010 22:17:29
Estou fazendo um player de audio... ta dificiu apra eu puxar o nome do artista ein...

estou fazendo da seguinte forma..

Dim artista As String

artista = WMP.mediaCollection.getByAuthor << erro nessa linha!!!

Nome do erro: [Ô]compile erro: Argument not optional[Ô]

Alguem sabe como eu puxar o nome do artista ??

TECLA 04/09/2010 11:33:12
Resposta escolhida
Com estas linhas você obtém todos as TAGs do arquivo MP3.

Option Explicit

Private Type TagInfo
Tag As String * 3
Songname As String * 30
artist As String * 30
album As String * 30
year As String * 4
comment As String * 30
genre As String * 1
End Type

[ô]Declaracao no General Declarations
Dim FileName As String
Dim CurrentTag As TagInfo

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim temp As String
On Error Resume Next

FileName = [Ô]c:    emp.mp3[Ô]
Open FileName For Binary As #1
With CurrentTag
Get #1, FileLen(FileName) - 127, .Tag
If Not .Tag = [Ô]TAG[Ô] Then
Me.Caption = [Ô]No tag[Ô]
Close #1
Exit Sub
End If
Get #1, , .Songname
Get #1, , .artist
Get #1, , .album
Get #1, , .year
Get #1, , .comment
Get #1, , .genre
Close #1

Text1 = RTrim(.Songname)
Text2 = RTrim(.artist)
Text3 = RTrim(.album)
Text4 = RTrim(.year)
Text5 = RTrim(.comment)

temp = RTrim(.genre)
Text6 = Asc(temp)
[ô]Combo1.ListIndex = CInt(txtGenreCode) - 1
End With
End Sub

TECLA 04/09/2010 11:35:00
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