Olá pessoal! como vai!
Dim Ip as Printer
For Each ip in Printers
Consigo listar todas as impressoras instaladas. Agora gostaria de imprimir usando o Printer.Print em uma impressora que não fosse a padrão do Windows. Gostaria de escolher uma impressora (não padrão) que listei numa Combox e enviar os dados para ela. Isso usando o objeto Printer.Print.
Valeu turma!
Dim Ip as Printer
For Each ip in Printers
Consigo listar todas as impressoras instaladas. Agora gostaria de imprimir usando o Printer.Print em uma impressora que não fosse a padrão do Windows. Gostaria de escolher uma impressora (não padrão) que listei numa Combox e enviar os dados para ela. Isso usando o objeto Printer.Print.
Valeu turma!
vc precisa sempre definir a padrao para operar corretamente
do help do vb:
Dim X As Printer
For Each X In Printers
If X.Orientation = vbPRORPortrait Then
' Set printer as system default.
Set Printer = X
' Stop looking for a printer.
Exit For
End If
You designate one of the printers in the Printers collection as the default printer by using the Set statement. The preceding example designates the printer identified by the object variable X, the default printer for the application.
Note If you use the Printers collection to specify a particular printer, as in Printers(3), you can only access properties on a read-only basis. To both read and write the properties of an individual printer, you must first make that printer the default printer for the application.
do help do vb:
Dim X As Printer
For Each X In Printers
If X.Orientation = vbPRORPortrait Then
' Set printer as system default.
Set Printer = X
' Stop looking for a printer.
Exit For
End If
You designate one of the printers in the Printers collection as the default printer by using the Set statement. The preceding example designates the printer identified by the object variable X, the default printer for the application.
Note If you use the Printers collection to specify a particular printer, as in Printers(3), you can only access properties on a read-only basis. To both read and write the properties of an individual printer, you must first make that printer the default printer for the application.
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