JOERBETH 05/12/2006 12:46:11
Pessoal, coloquei num modulo:

Public RepeatTimes As Long 'This one calculates,
' but don't use in this sample. If You need, You
' can add simple checking at Timer1_Timer Procedure
Public TotalFrames As Long

Public Function LoadGif(sFile As String, aImg As Variant) As Boolean
LoadGif = False
If Dir$(sFile) = "" Or sFile = "" Then
MsgBox "File " & sFile & " not found", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim fNum As Integer
Dim imgHeader As String, fileHeader As String
Dim buf$, picbuf$
Dim imgCount As Integer
Dim i&, j&, xOff&, yOff&, TimeWait&
Dim GifEnd As String
GifEnd = Chr(0) & Chr(33) & Chr(249)
For i = 1 To aImg.Count - 1
Unload aImg(i)
Next i
fNum = FreeFile
Open sFile For Binary Access Read As fNum
buf = String(LOF(fNum), Chr(0))
Get #fNum, , buf 'Get GIF File into buffer
Close fNum

i = 1
imgCount = 0
j = InStr(1, buf, GifEnd) + 1
fileHeader = Left(buf, j)
If Left$(fileHeader, 3) <> "GIF" Then
MsgBox "This file is not a *.gif file", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
LoadGif = True
i = j + 2
If Len(fileHeader) >= 127 Then
RepeatTimes& = Asc(Mid(fileHeader, 126, 1)) + (Asc(Mid(fileHeader, 127, 1)) * 256&)
RepeatTimes = 0
End If

Do ' Split GIF Files at separate pictures
' and load them into Image Array
imgCount = imgCount + 1
j = InStr(i, buf, GifEnd) + 3
If j > Len(GifEnd) Then
fNum = FreeFile
Open "temp.gif" For Binary As fNum
picbuf = String(Len(fileHeader) + j - i, Chr(0))
picbuf = fileHeader & Mid(buf, i - 1, j - i)
Put #fNum, 1, picbuf
imgHeader = Left(Mid(buf, i - 1, j - i), 16)
Close fNum
TimeWait = ((Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 4, 1))) + (Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 5, 1)) * 256&)) * 10&
If imgCount > 1 Then
xOff = Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 9, 1)) + (Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 10, 1)) * 256&)
yOff = Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 11, 1)) + (Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 12, 1)) * 256&)
Load aImg(imgCount - 1)
aImg(imgCount - 1).Left = aImg(0).Left + (xOff * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)
aImg(imgCount - 1).Top = aImg(0).Top + (yOff * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)
End If
' Use .Tag Property to save TimeWait interval for separate Image
aImg(imgCount - 1).Tag = TimeWait
aImg(imgCount - 1).Picture = LoadPicture("temp.gif")
Kill ("temp.gif")
i = j
End If
Loop Until j = 3
' If there are one more Image - Load it
If i < Len(buf) Then
fNum = FreeFile
Open "temp.gif" For Binary As fNum
picbuf = String(Len(fileHeader) + Len(buf) - i, Chr(0))
picbuf = fileHeader & Mid(buf, i - 1, Len(buf) - i)
Put #fNum, 1, picbuf
imgHeader = Left(Mid(buf, i - 1, Len(buf) - i), 16)
Close fNum
TimeWait = ((Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 4, 1))) + (Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 5, 1)) * 256)) * 10
If imgCount > 1 Then
xOff = Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 9, 1)) + (Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 10, 1)) * 256)
yOff = Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 11, 1)) + (Asc(Mid(imgHeader, 12, 1)) * 256)
Load aImg(imgCount - 1)
aImg(imgCount - 1).Left = aImg(0).Left + (xOff * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)
aImg(imgCount - 1).Top = aImg(0).Top + (yOff * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)
End If
aImg(imgCount - 1).Tag = TimeWait
aImg(imgCount - 1).Picture = LoadPicture("temp.gif")
Kill ("temp.gif")
End If
TotalFrames = aImg.Count - 1
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error No. " & Err.Number & " when reading file", vbCritical
LoadGif = False
On Error GoTo 0
End Function


ambiguous name detected: LoadGif

Como resolver isso?



HUGOSSOUZA 05/12/2006 12:57:58
Resposta escolhida
vc deve ter 2 funções com o mesmo nome... apaga uma e ve se da o erro..
3LTON 06/12/2006 08:14:54
O proprio erro ja diz: Detectado nome ambiguo: LoadGif. Vc vai ter q deletar um.
JOERBETH 06/12/2006 08:54:07
Era verdade, más agora, tá dando este erro aqui:

Error No. 438 when reading file

3LTON 06/12/2006 09:08:26
Esse erro é na leitura do arquivo.
JOERBETH 06/12/2006 09:10:15
Rapá, no arquivo não é, pois peguei esse código daqui mesmo no VBmania, daí, fiz o teste com o exemplo que veio, com o mesmo arquivo e dá certo, o que pode ser?

JOERBETH 06/12/2006 09:52:04
Resolvido... o kra tinha feito referência a imagem como Image1(0).hahsuhuahsuahsuahusah


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