USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 24/08/2006 13:29:26

Olá pessoal

Alguém sabe como devo proceder pra fazer um SelectionFórmula no Crystal XI parecido com o do Crystal 4.6?

Obrigado a todos!!

Rodrigo -
USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 24/08/2006 15:00:06
Eu uso assim...
dim strfiltro as string
strfiltro = "{Tabela.Campo1} = '" & trim(txtNome.text) & "' AND {Tabela.Campo2 = " & txtNumero.text

rptNomeRelatorio.SelectionFormula = strFiltro

USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 24/08/2006 15:31:39
Isso é no crystal XI é diferente... entendeu
USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 25/08/2006 01:50:04
Achei no
Veja se ajuda...

To get reference of CrystalActiveXViewerLibrary11.0 you need to have register the dll named CRAXDDRT.dll . If U r not getting in Components menue ,U search this dll from search menue and register it by using REGSVR32 // (Path of the above specified dll) . After getting registered that dll Successfully ,you will get Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library 11.0 in referances. Once you select this library in Referances Uwill get the CrystalActiveXReportViewer control in Your toolbox.
Then use this Viewer in any of the form of ur application. Refer the code below:---

Dim crAPP As New CRAXDDRT.Application
Dim Report As CRAXDDRT.Report
Set Report = crAPP.OpenReport(App.Path & "eports\" & RNAME(Report Name))
CrystalActiveXReportViewer1.ReportSource = Report
Report.RecordSelectionFormula = "{MASTER_CLAIMS.CLAIMID} =" & ID

Set Report = Nothing
Set crAPP = NothingI hope this will help U .All the Best.
Best Regards
USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 25/08/2006 07:14:52
Ae....funcionou...muito grato...valew!! Agora deu certo...como é chatinho esse CRystal XI nao?
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