Meu provedor de internet bloqueia o envio de emails que não possuam seu domÃnio quando uso o protocolo SMTP.
Exemplo: = ok = bloqueado
Como faço para resolver este problema? Eles afirmam que isto é uma caracterÃstica do provedor...
Exemplo: = ok = bloqueado
Como faço para resolver este problema? Eles afirmam que isto é uma caracterÃstica do provedor...
qual porta estas usando ?
isso é configuração !
isso é configuração !
Quando utilizava o velox ou quando estou em outros provedores, não há dificuldade.
o código que estou utilizando é:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Private WithEvents poSendMail As vbSendMail.clsSendMail
Private bSendFailed As Boolean
Dim bAuthLogin As Boolean
Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lCtr As Long
Dim t!
cmdSend.Enabled = False
bSendFailed = False
lblTime.Caption = [Ô][Ô]
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
With poSendMail
[ô] **************************************************************************
[ô] Set the basic properties common to all messages to be sent
[ô] **************************************************************************
.SMTPHost = txtServer.Text [ô] Required the fist time, optional thereafter
.From = txtFrom.Text [ô] Required the fist time, optional thereafter
.FromDisplayName = txtFromName.Text [ô] Optional, saved after first use
.Message = txtMsg.Text [ô] Optional
[ô].Attachment = Trim(txtAttach.Text) [ô] Optional, separate multiple entries with delimiter character
[ô].Attachment = Trim(txtAttach_log.Text) [ô] enviar segundo attachment
.UseAuthentication = True [ô]bAuthLogin [ô] Optional, default = FALSE
.UserName = txtUserName.Text [ô] Optional, default = Null String
.Password = txtPassword.Text [ô] Optional, default = Null String, value is NOT saved
[ô] get the message count and set the timer
lCount = Val(txtQty)
If lCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
t! = Timer
[ô] **************************************************************************
[ô] Send the mail in a loop. In a real app you would need to load a new
[ô] recipient from a file or database each pass through the loop.
[ô] **************************************************************************
If optSend(0).Value = True Then
[ô] send method only (normal button)
For lCtr = 1 To lCount
.Recipient = txtTo.Text
.RecipientDisplayName = txtToName.Text
.Subject = txtSubject
lblTime = [Ô]Enviar mensagem [Ô] & Str(lCtr)
[ô] connect, send, & disconnect methods (bulk send button)
If .Connect Then
For lCtr = 1 To lCount
lblTime = [Ô]Sending message [Ô] & Str(lCtr)
.Recipient = txtTo.Text
.RecipientDisplayName = txtToName.Text
.Subject = txtSubject
End If
End If
End With
[ô] display the results
If Not bSendFailed Then lblTime.Caption = Str(lCount) & [Ô] Mensagens enviadas em [Ô] & Format$(Timer - t!, [Ô]#,##0.0[Ô]) & [Ô] segundos.[Ô]
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
cmdSend.Enabled = True
End Sub
[ô] *****************************************************************************
[ô] The following four Subs capture the Events fired by the vbSendMail component
[ô] *****************************************************************************
Private Sub poSendMail_Progress(lPercentCompete As Long)
[ô] vbSendMail [ô]Progress Event[ô]
lblProgress = lPercentCompete & [Ô]% Completado[Ô]
End Sub
Private Sub poSendMail_SendFailed(Explanation As String)
[ô] vbSendMail [ô]SendFailed Event[ô]
MsgBox ([Ô]Sua tentativa de enviar e-mail falhou pelo seguinte motivo(s): [Ô] & vbCrLf & Explanation)
bSendFailed = True
lblProgress = [Ô][Ô]
lblTime = [Ô][Ô]
End Sub
Private Sub poSendMail_SendSuccesful()
[ô] vbSendMail [ô]SendSuccesful Event[ô]
lblProgress = [Ô]Enviado com Sucesso![Ô]
End Sub
Private Sub poSendMail_Status(Status As String)
[ô] vbSendMail [ô]Status Event[ô]
lstStatus.AddItem Status
lstStatus.ListIndex = lstStatus.ListCount - 1
lstStatus.ListIndex = -1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Set poSendMail = Nothing
End Sub
o código que estou utilizando é:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Private WithEvents poSendMail As vbSendMail.clsSendMail
Private bSendFailed As Boolean
Dim bAuthLogin As Boolean
Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lCtr As Long
Dim t!
cmdSend.Enabled = False
bSendFailed = False
lblTime.Caption = [Ô][Ô]
Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
With poSendMail
[ô] **************************************************************************
[ô] Set the basic properties common to all messages to be sent
[ô] **************************************************************************
.SMTPHost = txtServer.Text [ô] Required the fist time, optional thereafter
.From = txtFrom.Text [ô] Required the fist time, optional thereafter
.FromDisplayName = txtFromName.Text [ô] Optional, saved after first use
.Message = txtMsg.Text [ô] Optional
[ô].Attachment = Trim(txtAttach.Text) [ô] Optional, separate multiple entries with delimiter character
[ô].Attachment = Trim(txtAttach_log.Text) [ô] enviar segundo attachment
.UseAuthentication = True [ô]bAuthLogin [ô] Optional, default = FALSE
.UserName = txtUserName.Text [ô] Optional, default = Null String
.Password = txtPassword.Text [ô] Optional, default = Null String, value is NOT saved
[ô] get the message count and set the timer
lCount = Val(txtQty)
If lCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
t! = Timer
[ô] **************************************************************************
[ô] Send the mail in a loop. In a real app you would need to load a new
[ô] recipient from a file or database each pass through the loop.
[ô] **************************************************************************
If optSend(0).Value = True Then
[ô] send method only (normal button)
For lCtr = 1 To lCount
.Recipient = txtTo.Text
.RecipientDisplayName = txtToName.Text
.Subject = txtSubject
lblTime = [Ô]Enviar mensagem [Ô] & Str(lCtr)
[ô] connect, send, & disconnect methods (bulk send button)
If .Connect Then
For lCtr = 1 To lCount
lblTime = [Ô]Sending message [Ô] & Str(lCtr)
.Recipient = txtTo.Text
.RecipientDisplayName = txtToName.Text
.Subject = txtSubject
End If
End If
End With
[ô] display the results
If Not bSendFailed Then lblTime.Caption = Str(lCount) & [Ô] Mensagens enviadas em [Ô] & Format$(Timer - t!, [Ô]#,##0.0[Ô]) & [Ô] segundos.[Ô]
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
cmdSend.Enabled = True
End Sub
[ô] *****************************************************************************
[ô] The following four Subs capture the Events fired by the vbSendMail component
[ô] *****************************************************************************
Private Sub poSendMail_Progress(lPercentCompete As Long)
[ô] vbSendMail [ô]Progress Event[ô]
lblProgress = lPercentCompete & [Ô]% Completado[Ô]
End Sub
Private Sub poSendMail_SendFailed(Explanation As String)
[ô] vbSendMail [ô]SendFailed Event[ô]
MsgBox ([Ô]Sua tentativa de enviar e-mail falhou pelo seguinte motivo(s): [Ô] & vbCrLf & Explanation)
bSendFailed = True
lblProgress = [Ô][Ô]
lblTime = [Ô][Ô]
End Sub
Private Sub poSendMail_SendSuccesful()
[ô] vbSendMail [ô]SendSuccesful Event[ô]
lblProgress = [Ô]Enviado com Sucesso![Ô]
End Sub
Private Sub poSendMail_Status(Status As String)
[ô] vbSendMail [ô]Status Event[ô]
lstStatus.AddItem Status
lstStatus.ListIndex = lstStatus.ListCount - 1
lstStatus.ListIndex = -1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Set poSendMail = Nothing
End Sub
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