USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 27/04/2007 19:01:28
I am looking for someone for a tester position for an international company

required skills:
- candidate should be able to handle a conversation with the client in english
- candidate must have programming backgrounds (VB is preferred)
- candidate must have database experience (SQL)

desired skills:
- test automation experience
- experience with mercury tools (QTP / TD)

please email me at brunopmachado@hotmail.com. Indicate in the subject: "TESTER VBMANIA"
note - interviews will be held in english and portuguese
USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 27/04/2007 19:15:45
Porque em Ingles?
USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 27/04/2007 19:48:09
pq vai ser a lingua no projeto o tempo todo

toda comunicacao eh em ingles - o time conversa com o exterior o tempo todo
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