USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 04/04/2007 12:37:58
O IIS trava e para resolver o problema eu tenho que reiniciar o servidor.

Peguei estes erros no log do servidor:

App: E 'Thu Mar 08 15:47:05 2007': Enterprise Library Instrumentation - " Failed to create instances

of performance counter '# of Connections Opened/Sec' - The requested Performance Counter is not a custom

counter, it has to be initialized as ReadOnly.. "

App: E 'Thu Mar 08 15:47:05 2007': Enterprise Library Instrumentation - " Failed to create instances

of performance counter 'Total Command Executions' - The requested Performance Counter is not a custom

counter, it has to be initialized as ReadOnly.. "

App: E 'Thu Mar 08 15:47:05 2007': Enterprise Library Instrumentation - " Failed to create instances

of performance counter 'Average Command Execution Time' - The requested Performance Counter is not a

custom counter, it has to be initialized as ReadOnly.. "

USUARIO.EXCLUIDOS 05/04/2007 16:17:41
A parte de conexão do IIS está com defeito aconselho desistalar e instalar ele para consertar o problema
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