olá pessoal estou com um problema, alias dois
1) o metodo de impressão que eu uso não de vez enquando ele perde e tem que reiniciar a maquina.
2)So imprime se a imopressora estiver em rede.
existe algum outro modo de se fazer modelos de etiquetas nesta zebra, tipo usaondo algum componente?
segue o que estou utiizando:
Private Sub btnZebra_Click()
Call Etiqueta_Zebra(gridEtq, txtQTD.Text, CmbImpressora)
End Sub
Public Function Etiqueta_Zebra(ObjGrid As Control, strQtde As String, strTerm As String)
Dim nLen As Long
Dim buf As String
Dim intQtde As Integer
Dim strCod1 As String
Dim strDesc1 As String * 14
Dim strPreco1 As String * 9
Dim strCod2 As String
Dim strDesc2 As String * 14
Dim strPreco2 As String * 9
Dim strCod3 As String
Dim strDesc3 As String * 14
Dim strPreco3 As String * 9
Dim strEMPRESA As String
If Not IsNumeric(strQtde) Then strQtde = [Ô]1[Ô]
If strQtde = 6 Then strQtde = 2
If strQtde = 7 Or strQtde = 8 Then strQtde = 3
If strQtde >= 9 Then strQtde = Val(strQtde / 3)
With ObjGrid
For I = 1 To .Rows - 2
Open [Ô]c:\Tlp2844.Prn[Ô] For Output As #1
intQtde = intQtde + 1
If intQtde = 1 Then
strCod1 = .TextMatrix(I, 1)
strDesc1 = .TextMatrix(I, 2)
strPreco1 = Format$(.TextMatrix(I, 3), [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
Print #1, [Ô]N[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]D7[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]S2[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]R50,0[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]A000,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A000,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc1) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A000,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc1) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A000,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A040,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco1 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B000,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod1 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô][Ô]
ElseIf intQtde = 2 Then
[ô]Etiqueta 2 [ô]posição
strCod2 = .TextMatrix(I, 1)
strDesc2 = .TextMatrix(I, 2)
strPreco2 = Format$(.TextMatrix(I, 3), [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
strCod3 = .TextMatrix(I, 1)
strDesc3 = .TextMatrix(I, 2)
strPreco3 = Format$(.TextMatrix(I, 3), [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
Print #1, [Ô]A270,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A270,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc2) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A270,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc2) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A270,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A310,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco2 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B270,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod2 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô][Ô]
ElseIf intQtde = 3 Then
[ô]Etiqueta 3 [ô]posição
strCod3 = .TextMatrix(I, 1)
strDesc3 = .TextMatrix(I, 2)
strPreco3 = Format$(.TextMatrix(I, 3), [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
Print #1, [Ô]A565,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc3) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A565,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strDesc3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A605,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B565,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]P[Ô] & Val(strQtde)
Close #1
intQtde = 0
Call Arquivo_Bat(strTerm)
End If
Next I
If intQtde = 1 Then
[ô]Etiqueta 2 [ô]posição
strCod2 = strCod1
strDesc2 = strDesc1
strPreco2 = Format$(strPreco1, [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
strCod3 = strCod1
strDesc3 = strDesc1
strPreco3 = Format$(strPreco1, [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
Print #1, [Ô]A270,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A270,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc2) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A270,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc2) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A270,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A310,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco2 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B270,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod2 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô][Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]A565,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc3) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A565,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strDesc3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A605,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B565,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]P[Ô] & Val(strQtde)
Close #1
intQtde = 0
Call Arquivo_Bat(strTerm)
ElseIf intQtde = 2 Then
[ô]Etiqueta 3 [ô]posição
strCod3 = .TextMatrix(I, 1)
strDesc3 = .TextMatrix(I, 2)
strPreco3 = Format$(.TextMatrix(I, 3), [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
Print #1, [Ô]A565,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc3) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A565,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strDesc3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A605,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B565,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]P[Ô] & Val(strQtde)
Close #1
intQtde = 0
Call Arquivo_Bat(strTerm)
End If
End With
End Function
Public Function Arquivo_Bat(strTerm As String)
Open [Ô]c:\zebra.bat[Ô] For Output As #1
Print #1, [Ô]@echo off[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]: start[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]type c:\Tlp2844.prn > [Ô] & strTerm [ô]& [Ô]\ZebraTLP[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]:exit[Ô]
Close #1
Call Shell([Ô]c:\zebra.bat[Ô], vbMinimizedFocus)
End Function
1) o metodo de impressão que eu uso não de vez enquando ele perde e tem que reiniciar a maquina.
2)So imprime se a imopressora estiver em rede.
existe algum outro modo de se fazer modelos de etiquetas nesta zebra, tipo usaondo algum componente?
segue o que estou utiizando:
Private Sub btnZebra_Click()
Call Etiqueta_Zebra(gridEtq, txtQTD.Text, CmbImpressora)
End Sub
Public Function Etiqueta_Zebra(ObjGrid As Control, strQtde As String, strTerm As String)
Dim nLen As Long
Dim buf As String
Dim intQtde As Integer
Dim strCod1 As String
Dim strDesc1 As String * 14
Dim strPreco1 As String * 9
Dim strCod2 As String
Dim strDesc2 As String * 14
Dim strPreco2 As String * 9
Dim strCod3 As String
Dim strDesc3 As String * 14
Dim strPreco3 As String * 9
Dim strEMPRESA As String
If Not IsNumeric(strQtde) Then strQtde = [Ô]1[Ô]
If strQtde = 6 Then strQtde = 2
If strQtde = 7 Or strQtde = 8 Then strQtde = 3
If strQtde >= 9 Then strQtde = Val(strQtde / 3)
With ObjGrid
For I = 1 To .Rows - 2
Open [Ô]c:\Tlp2844.Prn[Ô] For Output As #1
intQtde = intQtde + 1
If intQtde = 1 Then
strCod1 = .TextMatrix(I, 1)
strDesc1 = .TextMatrix(I, 2)
strPreco1 = Format$(.TextMatrix(I, 3), [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
Print #1, [Ô]N[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]D7[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]S2[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]R50,0[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]A000,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A000,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc1) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A000,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc1) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A000,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A040,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco1 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B000,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod1 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô][Ô]
ElseIf intQtde = 2 Then
[ô]Etiqueta 2 [ô]posição
strCod2 = .TextMatrix(I, 1)
strDesc2 = .TextMatrix(I, 2)
strPreco2 = Format$(.TextMatrix(I, 3), [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
strCod3 = .TextMatrix(I, 1)
strDesc3 = .TextMatrix(I, 2)
strPreco3 = Format$(.TextMatrix(I, 3), [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
Print #1, [Ô]A270,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A270,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc2) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A270,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc2) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A270,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A310,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco2 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B270,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod2 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô][Ô]
ElseIf intQtde = 3 Then
[ô]Etiqueta 3 [ô]posição
strCod3 = .TextMatrix(I, 1)
strDesc3 = .TextMatrix(I, 2)
strPreco3 = Format$(.TextMatrix(I, 3), [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
Print #1, [Ô]A565,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc3) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A565,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strDesc3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A605,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B565,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]P[Ô] & Val(strQtde)
Close #1
intQtde = 0
Call Arquivo_Bat(strTerm)
End If
Next I
If intQtde = 1 Then
[ô]Etiqueta 2 [ô]posição
strCod2 = strCod1
strDesc2 = strDesc1
strPreco2 = Format$(strPreco1, [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
strCod3 = strCod1
strDesc3 = strDesc1
strPreco3 = Format$(strPreco1, [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
Print #1, [Ô]A270,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A270,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc2) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A270,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc2) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A270,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A310,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco2 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B270,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod2 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô][Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]A565,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc3) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A565,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strDesc3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A605,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B565,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]P[Ô] & Val(strQtde)
Close #1
intQtde = 0
Call Arquivo_Bat(strTerm)
ElseIf intQtde = 2 Then
[ô]Etiqueta 3 [ô]posição
strCod3 = .TextMatrix(I, 1)
strDesc3 = .TextMatrix(I, 2)
strPreco3 = Format$(.TextMatrix(I, 3), [Ô]@@@@@@@@@[Ô])
Print #1, [Ô]A565,000,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strEMPRESA) & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,090,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & Trim(strDesc3) & Chr(34)
[ô]Print #1, [Ô]A565,107,0,2,1,1,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strDesc3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A565,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & [Ô]R$[Ô] & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]A605,130,0,2,1,2,N,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strPreco3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]B565,018,0,1,2,3,40,B,[Ô] & Chr(34) & strCod3 & Chr(34)
Print #1, [Ô]P[Ô] & Val(strQtde)
Close #1
intQtde = 0
Call Arquivo_Bat(strTerm)
End If
End With
End Function
Public Function Arquivo_Bat(strTerm As String)
Open [Ô]c:\zebra.bat[Ô] For Output As #1
Print #1, [Ô]@echo off[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]: start[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]type c:\Tlp2844.prn > [Ô] & strTerm [ô]& [Ô]\ZebraTLP[Ô]
Print #1, [Ô]:exit[Ô]
Close #1
Call Shell([Ô]c:\zebra.bat[Ô], vbMinimizedFocus)
End Function
desde ja agradeçp atenção de todos

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