Bom dia pessoal.
Estou com o seguinte problema, preciso obter todo o HTML de um dispositivo que esta gerando o site com partes em JavaScript. Sou principiante na linguagem, se alguém puder me ajudar agradeço.
Segue um trecho do codigo.
function LinkHitAndGotoPage( inMainTabPage, inUrlToHighlight )
// set the URL to highlight, even if we set blank (i.e. no page to highlight)
SetCookie( INDEX_PAGE_LINK_COOKIE, inUrlToHighlight );
// go to the main tab page that was passed in
document.location = inMainTabPage;
var loadUrl = [Ô]/properties/description.dhtml[Ô];
var flag = GetCookie([Ô]LINK_FLAG[Ô]);
if(flag == [Ô]YES[Ô])
loadUrl = GetCookie(INDEX_PAGE_LINK_COOKIE);
// set the tree in a previously set state (i.e. based on cookies)
RestoreHierarchyStructure( gTheTree );
RestoreSelectedNode( gTheTree );
// -->
<script language=[Ô]Javascript[Ô]>
document.write([Ô]<frameset rows=[ô]109, *[ô] border=[ô]0[ô] framespacing=[ô]0[ô] frameborder=[ô]NO[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frame src=[ô]/tabsFrame.dhtml[ô] scrolling=[ô]no[ô] marginheight=[ô]0[ô] marginwidth=[ô]0[ô] noresize frameborder=[ô]0[ô] name=[ô]Header Frame: Contains main navigation tabs and help button.[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frameset cols=[ô]260, *[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frameset rows=[ô]*, 130[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frame src=[ô]/displayTree.dhtml[ô] scrolling=[ô]auto[ô] marginheight=[ô]0[ô] marginwidth=[ô]0[ô] noresize frameborder=[ô]0[ô] name=[ô]Content Frame: Contains navigation tree.[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frame src=[ô]/branding.dhtml[ô] scrolling=[ô]no[ô] marginheight=[ô]0[ô] marginwidth=[ô]0[ô] noresize frameborder=[ô]0[ô] name=[ô]Footer Frame: Contains branding.[ô]>[Ô]);
if(flag == [Ô]YES[Ô])
document.write([Ô]<frame src=[Ô]+loadUrl+[Ô] scrolling=[ô]auto[ô] marginheight=[ô]0[ô] marginwidth=[ô]0[ô] noresize frameborder=[ô]0[ô] name=[ô]Body Frame: Contains feature information and settings.[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frame src=[ô]/properties/description.dhtml[ô] scrolling=[ô]auto[ô] marginheight=[ô]0[ô] marginwidth=[ô]0[ô] noresize frameborder=[ô]0[ô] name=[ô]Body Frame: Contains feature information and settings.[ô]>[Ô]);
Estou com o seguinte problema, preciso obter todo o HTML de um dispositivo que esta gerando o site com partes em JavaScript. Sou principiante na linguagem, se alguém puder me ajudar agradeço.
Segue um trecho do codigo.
function LinkHitAndGotoPage( inMainTabPage, inUrlToHighlight )
// set the URL to highlight, even if we set blank (i.e. no page to highlight)
SetCookie( INDEX_PAGE_LINK_COOKIE, inUrlToHighlight );
// go to the main tab page that was passed in
document.location = inMainTabPage;
var loadUrl = [Ô]/properties/description.dhtml[Ô];
var flag = GetCookie([Ô]LINK_FLAG[Ô]);
if(flag == [Ô]YES[Ô])
loadUrl = GetCookie(INDEX_PAGE_LINK_COOKIE);
// set the tree in a previously set state (i.e. based on cookies)
RestoreHierarchyStructure( gTheTree );
RestoreSelectedNode( gTheTree );
// -->
<script language=[Ô]Javascript[Ô]>
document.write([Ô]<frameset rows=[ô]109, *[ô] border=[ô]0[ô] framespacing=[ô]0[ô] frameborder=[ô]NO[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frame src=[ô]/tabsFrame.dhtml[ô] scrolling=[ô]no[ô] marginheight=[ô]0[ô] marginwidth=[ô]0[ô] noresize frameborder=[ô]0[ô] name=[ô]Header Frame: Contains main navigation tabs and help button.[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frameset cols=[ô]260, *[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frameset rows=[ô]*, 130[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frame src=[ô]/displayTree.dhtml[ô] scrolling=[ô]auto[ô] marginheight=[ô]0[ô] marginwidth=[ô]0[ô] noresize frameborder=[ô]0[ô] name=[ô]Content Frame: Contains navigation tree.[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frame src=[ô]/branding.dhtml[ô] scrolling=[ô]no[ô] marginheight=[ô]0[ô] marginwidth=[ô]0[ô] noresize frameborder=[ô]0[ô] name=[ô]Footer Frame: Contains branding.[ô]>[Ô]);
if(flag == [Ô]YES[Ô])
document.write([Ô]<frame src=[Ô]+loadUrl+[Ô] scrolling=[ô]auto[ô] marginheight=[ô]0[ô] marginwidth=[ô]0[ô] noresize frameborder=[ô]0[ô] name=[ô]Body Frame: Contains feature information and settings.[ô]>[Ô]);
document.write([Ô]<frame src=[ô]/properties/description.dhtml[ô] scrolling=[ô]auto[ô] marginheight=[ô]0[ô] marginwidth=[ô]0[ô] noresize frameborder=[ô]0[ô] name=[ô]Body Frame: Contains feature information and settings.[ô]>[Ô]);
Não adianta você postar o código javascript que você quer. Tem que postar a url da página de onde você quer retirar o HTML. assim, as pessoas podem criar o programa e realizar os testes para te ajudar.
Não adianta você postar o código javascript que você quer. Tem que postar a url da página de onde você quer retirar o HTML. assim, as pessoas podem criar o programa e realizar os testes para te ajudar.
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