JCMSIS 04/10/2011 13:03:05
Sim estou, eu ja mudei e continua o mesmo erro.

<%@ Page Language=[Ô]vb[Ô] AutoEventWireup=[Ô]false[Ô] CodeBehind=[Ô]WebForm1.aspx.vb[Ô] Inherits=[Ô]Teste_Query.WebForm1[Ô] %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC [Ô]-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN[Ô] [Ô][Ô]>

<html xmlns=[Ô][Ô]>
<head runat=[Ô]server[Ô]>
<script src=[Ô]Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.js[Ô] type=[Ô]text/javascript[Ô]></script>
<script src=[Ô]Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.min.js[Ô] type=[Ô]text/javascript[Ô]></script>
<script src=[Ô]Scripts/jquery.ui.dialog.js[Ô] type=[Ô]text/javascript[Ô]></script>
// increase the default animation speed to exaggerate the effect
$.fx.speeds._default = 1000;
$(function () {
autoOpen: false,
show: [Ô]blind[Ô],
hide: [Ô]explode[Ô]

$([Ô]#opener[Ô]).click(function () {
return false;

<form id=[Ô]form1[Ô] runat=[Ô]server[Ô]>
<div class=[Ô]demo[Ô]>

<div id=[Ô]dialog[Ô] title=[Ô]Basic dialog[Ô]>
<p>This is an animated dialog which is useful for displaying information. The dialog window can be moved, resized and closed with the [ô]x[ô] icon.</p>

<button id=[Ô]opener[Ô]>Open Dialog</button>

</div><!-- End demo -->

<div class=[Ô]demo-description[Ô]>
<p>Dialogs may be animated by specifying an effect for the show and/or hide properties. You must include the individual effects file for any effects you would like to use.</p>
</div><!-- End demo-description -->

Olha o erro:
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn[ô]t support this property or method
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